Saturday, January 12, 2013


Honestly, i don't know where to begin, It's like putting a little kid in a candy store.

     Almost 16 years ago, i was working at Skip's Cutting in New Holland. This is where i met Jose. What attracted me to Jose was his eyes, a beautiful clear sea weed green color. This is what all the girls talked about. I found out from my friend that he was interested in me. I was like no, sorry, already in a relationship, but he was very persistent in trying to talk to me, because he is Spanish and knew no English.
     I could not see myself with a Spanish man because my parents would disown me. They were not prejudice, but they just did not believe in mixed relationships. For Jose, "NO" was not an option. Finally i gave in, my parents on the other hand didn't want anything to do with him. Three months later, my parents saw how happy my 2 year old twin boys were and myself. They apologized to Jose for judging a book by its cover.
     In the beginning of our relationship, it was a struggle because he knew no English. Thank god my best friend is Spanish because she was our communication. It was like playing a game of charades to get him to understand what i was saying. When i thought he understood what i was saying, i would turn around and he's doing something completely opposite. I kept telling him, if he wants to be with me, he needs to learn English. I even took him to the front door of Mckasky High School, that was starting an English class for adults. He did not go in. I think it was his male ego, thinking people were going to make fun of him. He knew this is what he had to do, but he wanted to do it himself. It took him about three years to learn.
     In learning about Cuba, i realized he was here to make a better life for himself and it was obviously he was not afraid of change. When i say this i mean its apparent Cubans come here for a better life, but most Cubans don't realize the skies the limit. The majority of the Cuban population lives in Miami, Florida. This is known as a little Havana, Cuba. To them life is better because their not in Cuba. There's jobs, housing and even food. This is their culture and this is what they know. Of course business owners take advantage and charge high prices for them to live and pay them bare minimum to work. I know most are not educated enough and are afraid to step outside of what they don't know, REJECTION maybe. Jose left Miami a few weeks after he was brought here and given his temporary paperwork. He came here to change his life and get away from the life he left behind.
     When he started realizing he could have anything he wanted as long as he had money, it had to be at that minute. No matter what it was or how much it cost. Getting him to understand how everything worked in the U.S. was very challenging.
     Here we are almost 16 years later, a total of 5 children and still as happy as ever. He blends so well with the way of life in America, many people do not realize he is from Cuba.

1 comment:

  1. Really an amazing love story, you did not even speak the same language! Maybe more marriages would be better as then we could not argue as much:)
