Thursday, January 10, 2013

Balsero Rafters Crisis

     Right after the Soviet Union suspended all trade with Cuba. The government went with a

rationing system to deal with food, electricity, and gasoline shortages. Fidel Castro also

opened the gates the second time in August 1994. This is known as the Balsero Rafters

Crisis. Among the tens of thosands of Cubans that fled  in the waters that day, my husband,

Jose, is one of them. The Cubans built rafts out of what ever materials they found, that

would float.
     The Clinton Administration ordered the U.S.Coast Guard to interdict the refugees in the

high seas and ship them to Guantanamo, after ending the traditional U.S. welcome. Clinton

wanted to make sure it was not a repeat of the Mariel Boatlift. While being detained in

Guantanamo, each Cuban was checked out thoroughly. Than after a year and a half being

detained, the Cubans who had no problem, were brought to the U.S. While being detained,

they knew they were safe.


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